There are three keys to casualty reduction for a visit from a bad man with guns: (1) Armed on-site good-guys (2) Secure safe-room lockdowns (3) Communicating with law enforcement quickly Ron Borsch has expertise in the area of Rapid Mass Murder© in incidents at educational facilities, churches, theaters, malls, workplaces and other public areas. He maintains a Stopwatch of Death© database for the random acts of active killers, who are not connected to criminal gangs or terrorism. He has documented that make-believe “gun-free” zones have been both predictable and utter failures at stopping a bad man with several guns from entering and murdering defenseless innocents. Ron has published articles or been interviewed on numerous prestigious law enforcement internet sites. He is a Vietnam veteran, a three-decade career police officer including SWAT, followed by 17 years as a manager and lead trainer for SEALE Regional Police Training Academy that was attended by officers from ten states. Presently, Ron manages the PACT Consultant Group that does hands-on police training as well as pro-bono presentations to civic groups and churches. Ron supports and promotes the Hero911 and Guard911 services to all he comes in contact with.

Ron Borsch
Stopwatch of Death©